Friday, July 17, 2009


This is my final piece for the show, his name is Shine, not his real name but I think that's what he does. He is an 11"x13 1/2" pastel. Now it's off to pattern design land!


Sylvia said...

Toni, he is gorgeous!

LuAnn Kessi said...

Hi Toni........again as always you have captured the lighting on the horse so perfectly. You inspire me to add this kind of lighting to certain areas of my quilts.
Beautiful work from you as always.
Good luck with your pattern designs.......I know you are racing the clock.
Try and stop and smell the horses from time to time this summer......
LuAnn in Oregon

Stephanie said...

Toni, this stunning! You do such beautiful work. I absolutely love your style. Please keep it up!